ok, I've tried a half dozen search strings trying to find out whether I can convert windows media center video files to dvd format and can't turn anything up. Does anyone know if any of the various convertx type programs work with these files? Thanks!
did you try doing a goggle search? probley not! i did and guess what it took like five seconds here it is Honestech DVD Encoding+ Pro 1.0. next time do a little searching and you can find what you are looking for. no i was not mad at all, just making a point, hope that helped!
Thank you for the info. I didnt do a google search, I did several AD searches, however. I try very hard to locate info here using search and don't post without making an attempt first. I don't appreciate your apparently hostile reply. These forums are full of threads started by people who never make any attempt to search or look at a guide, who seek spoonfed information. If you need to vent on someone, why not do it to someone who deserves it?