I recently upgraded my cell phone with a 1GB Micro SD card. My phone doesn't recognize MP4 fortmatted tunes from my itunes. How can I convert my MP4's to MP3's to put on my cell phone?? Thanks!!
There are many ways to do it. I use Foobar2000 for my transcoding needs, but if you have Nero 6 (and higher) you can use the "Encode Audio Files" function.
Yeah I redid my whole computer..meaning I took everything out of it and put factory settings or whatever in it.. so I don't have my 1715 songs I use to and I really don't feel like redownloading them all and I hooked up my pod and took them all off of there and back onto my puter..Needing some help converting all them mpeg4 to mp3's so I can use them where ever whenever..Like you said Nero 6 I don't have that I don't think..but I do have the one where it's like NeroStart Smart.. I'll check on that version and if I get foobar 2000 like you have can you give me a guide on how to use it..Or maybe make one..on what to do step by step possibly pictures.. Lol I am slow when it comes to following directions.. Thankx killa.. Hit me back up.. Peace
Foobar's Home Page is http://www.foobar2000.org/ They have links to guides there. If you need help with something specific, I'll help you. I haven't really thought about writing any guides since the program has son many features I don't use (or know). Like I said before, I mostly use it for Transcoding (and to play DTS and Dolby audios).
i do not know foobar2000 can do this job, well, i will have a try. i used to have my imtoo converter to get this done. But i have another problem: does Foobar2000 provide a good sound quality.
Foobar uses LAME as MP3 encoder. Lots of people think LAME is the best MP3 encoder out there, but I'm not going enter that debate. You could also follow this link http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/370699#2232190 since the thread could be helpful for you.