OBJECTIVE: To end up with the best quality video to play on stand alone dvd players for TVs using DVD Lab. If I am starting with a number of videos of various sizes [mostly mpeg1, VCDs & SVCDs but may include dvd complient MPEG2s] .... Is it better to convert all the videos to 720 X 480 MPEG2 BEFORE authoring them to a DVD with "DVD Lab".......... Or....Keep them in their original size and when authoring them to dvd, then put the videos of the same size in their own VTS Menu. Hope the question is valid and clear. Thank you
Mpeg 1 format is going to be grainy no matter if you conver t to Dvd or not. Changing the framesize won't do anything but make the Mpeg formated videos graininess worse. Mpeg2 is basically DVD standard and is more or less best qulaity.
If the videos are low resolution, increasing it to 720x480 will probably make them look even worse. I personally would just burn a data disc with all the MPGs on it and play it that way if your player supports it. If you are going to resize to make a real DVD, then resize to the compliant resolution closest to the one it is currently, which are probably going to be 352x480 and 352x240.