Converting No$GBA or Ideas .sav files to ones readable on a flash cart

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by inagasake, Jul 1, 2009.

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  1. inagasake

    inagasake Member

    Feb 21, 2008
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    I was playing Trace Memory on my DS using the M3 DS Real cart (using the latest M3/G6 DS Real Firmware). For whatever reason, the game glitches after examining an object(a bunch of artifacts pop up and then it freezes after you examine a certain object inside that object) near the end of Chapter 3 (can't give too many details because it's a game spoiler) after performing a task you need to advance in the game. I wasn't sure whether the game had compatibility issues with that particular card (I even tried an old Sakura firmware and it was the same problem. The new sakura firmware won't even work on my card without it freezing) or whether it was a problem with the rom or save file itself.

    But then I loaded up the same rom and save file using both the No$GBA and iDeas emulators (on PC) and I was able to get past that task with no problems. No glitch. But when I save the game using the No$GBA or iDeas emulator and try to import that .sav file to my microsd for flash cart use, it is not compatible. Doesn't work. I know that emulators are not very popular for playing DS Roms but this seemed to be the only way for me to get past that task in Ch 3 without the game glitching and freezing.

    So basically how do you get No$GBA or iDeas .sav files to work on a flash cart? Is it even possible?


    EDIT: Nevermind, I found out how. I found a reliable save game converter tool from this website.
    I selected NO$GBA in the source format drop-down box and Acekard 2/Cyclo DS/EDGE/M3 Simply/Ninja DS/R4/Supercard CF/Supercard One/Supercard SD/Top Toy DS (.sav) under target format and the converted file worked on my M3 DS Real.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2009
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