Hey, i have a few dvds that i got cheap from a guy online and they are PAL. My dvd player at home will only play NTSC and I've searched through the forums trying to find out how to convert them to NTSC. I "HAVE" found a few threads that i somewhat understand but none of them provide a way to make an exact copy with menus. I mean i know it isn't a 1:1 copy since it will be re-encoded, but is there anyway to do this and keep menus? I'm not computer illiterate or anything, but when it comes to video stuff i may be a little bit slow, so please explain. Thanks all i really appreciate your help in advanced!
I have Been able to do this and Keep Most of the Menu"s but it is Extremely Complicated and Time Consumeing and to Teach you how to do it would be even more Difficult and More Time Consumeing and would Mean I would have to write you a manual that is about 30 pages Long and you would need to invest in a Bunch of Software, so it would be Cheaper and Easier for you to Buy the NTSC Versions of these DVD"s than to Convert them to NTSC with the Menu"s.... I would suggest that you Just Convert to NTSC without the Menu"s which is Complicated and Difficult enough..... Cheers
Yes, that would be the First Step..... I don"t know of any Guides on how to Convert Pal to NTSC and Keep the Menu"s..... You basicly have to Convert the Movie to NTSC and then you have to extract the Menu"s as either BMP/JPG Images or as Mpeg-2 Video Files and and resized to NTSC resolution ,then you would have to use a Good DVD Authoring Program to Rebuild the DVD From Scratch simular to the Way the DVD was First created in the Studio... You won"t be able to get it to work exactly the same as the Original because you won"t be able to use the subtitles and Special features so there links will have to be removed from the Menu"s..... The Best encoder for Doing Pal to NTSC Conversions is Probably "Canopus Procoder 2" which costs about $600 but I prefer to use AVISynth to do the Conversion while Frameserveing to CCE SP which does the Encodeing... For Me AVISynth does the Best Pal to NTSC Conversions but it is extremely difficult to use because you have to know how to write a Type of Code Called a "Script" to use it and it has no Interface or Gui so it is sort of like a Command Line Program..... Well I wish you Luck.....Cheers
ok, i will try this AVISynth, after i successfully covert i could burn it and it will play on ntsc dvd players? next, any suggestions on freeware software to get the menus? I don't mind to play around with them or anything, just want to try. thanx for the help thus far guys!
It would be much easier and far less time consuming to buy a cheap Chinese DVD player that can play both PAL and NTSC - less than $50 and more reliable than name brands. I really do not understand why people would want to waste many hours trying to convert when simple, cheap hardware solutions are available. All I have to do to change from PAL/NTSC or vice versa is press a button on my remote control. There is a real world and solutions that are not USA centric.
You Might be able to do this with "DVD Rebuilder" with CCE SP... DVD Rebuilder uses AVISynth as a Frame server and it is used for Backing up DVD"s to the Highest Quality while keeping the Menu"s and it might have the Option to Convert Pal to NTSC..... I agree with "Colw" it would be easier to just buy a Cheapo all format DVD player....
well, as i have stated, i would like to waste my time learning something interesting and spending my time on the computer where it will end up being spent regardless rather than forking out extra money for a dvd player that is relatively useless for me in most cases. thanks for the honest truth tho. I know it will take a while, but i'd still like to try. so i should use AVISynth to convert it and then use DVD Rebuilder to add back in the menus?
Well First see if DVD Rebuilder has the option of Converting Pal to NTSC because if it does then it will automate most of the Process for you... AVISynth isn"t the Type of Tool you can Jump right into , It took me over a Month to Figure out how to use it just in a Very Basic Way because Info on how to Properly use it is hard to Find and because the Program has no Interface or GUI but if you want to read up on this tool you can go to "http://www.avisynth.org/"..... Cheers
thanks for the link and advice. also, script.....is it very difficult? i mean i'm your average vb6 and vb.net programmer, i play around with c++ and ASM sometimes, but never looked into scripting. also, i'll let you all know when i find out whether dvd rebuilder will convert pal to ntsc or not, thanx again, any other helpful info is greatly appreciated!
Just use dvd shrink it removes any region encoding the dvd has and keeps all the menus on the dvd, plus no need for dual layer because it compresses the dvd to fit on dvd-r. p.s. you will need nero 6 or easy media creator's disc copier program for burning a backup.
chris485: DVD-Shrink Doesn"t Convert Pal to NTSC which is the Whole Point of this Thread.... kylebaker: The E-Mail address you gave me doesn"t seem to be Valid because I tried E-Mailing you Instructions on how to Use AVISYnth to convert Pal to NTSC and the E-mail kept getting Sent back...If you PM me with a Different e-mail address then I can help you with this.... Cheers
As 'Minion' says: ...but it is Extremely Complicated and Time Consuming and you would need to invest in a Bunch of Software.. and do as 'cowl' suggests at -15. July 2005 @ 07:54- thread. If there is an easy solution why fighting hard for the hard way. You could use those energies for other precious moments