I wasn't sure which forum to put this is, so please move this if i posted it in the wrong place. Ok, I have a lot of .RM files on my computer that I'd like to convert to DVD format so I can play them on my DVD player. Now, I'd like to convert these so that I can play them on my DVD player, so I tried putting them through Nero Vision as you would for .avi files for example. However, .rm files aren't supported by it, so I can't use Nero to do this. So how can I convert this sort of file type so that I can play it on my DVD player quickly and efficently?
Hi there, Make sure it's the latest [bold]ConvertXtoDVD v2.1.4.162[/bold] Also, this is real important:
Ok, that has solved the problem for .rm files, but I need some help with another file format now. There's this file format called .ogm that won't convert in WinAVi or Nero. What can I use in order to convert this file format. Thanks
.ogm also be supported woth winavi.You just need some special codec. Maybe you can email to winavi support to get the codec. Good luck