I have various movies ending in multiple file extentions like avi, mpeg4 and others. How do i get them to work on a dvd player. I'm assuming ill need to convert it to a new file extention and then reburn it, so if any one knows of a open source converter to do so id deeply appreciate it.
so if i buy that program, once i convert the file i have just burn it to a dvd and it will be read by non computer dvd players?
Hi there, Yes, ConvertXtoDVD converts all those computer movies into a DVD Format you can watch in any DVD Player, just like the DVDs you buy at WalyMart
or not... one additional question... i bought the VSO program and it works but the movie im trying to convert is in 2x 700 mb segments. It it total of about 1.4 gb which is small enough to fit on a dvd... is there a program i can use to put those segments together before i convert them to dvd with the vos program?
Hi there, You can use VirtualDUB to join the 2 files and make 1 large .AVI *OR* Just load both files in ConvertXtoDVD. You will end up with: Movie Part 1 Movie Part 2 in the menu, and when part 2 starts, the DVD timer will just restart to 00:00:00 Those are your 2 options !
Once made your conversions (I don't know Free good apps) you can create a Re-autored DVD with DVD Shrink (which is free). Just select 're-author' and, on the DVD browser, select the stuff you want. You just have full sets with VOB, BUP and IFO. If you missed a little [max compression = 40%, but it's better to put some less movies] the size (so thet sum (movies) > DVD5 it will 'shrink' a little your movies). You'll end with a DVD ISO.
so if i end up with movie part 1 and movie part 2 and i burn them (after having been converted) to a single dvd they will continue to play with out any intervention?