Ok I have a 1.53 GB file of Chicken Little that is in Windows Media Audio/Video (WMV)format and I wanted to convert that file into a format that the Xbox 360 or any DVD Player can read so I can watch it on my T.V. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks in advance. I also have Cars that is 1.63 Gb and both movies are in superb DVD quality.
what have you try"d as far as other programs to do your converting?the search button works wonders you might try using vso dvixtodvd it will convert most any format, also the movie cars you said that you have i would keep that to your self that movie is still at the box office and not for release for quite a while yet here in the states so i would take that out of your post most people would asume that you have downloaded it from the net like a illegal copy if you get my drift ok? good luck and happy burning have a nice day
If you have Nero you can use Nero Vision Express to convert to DVD compliant files and then compress it with Shrink or Nero Recode and then burn with your favorite program to a DVD.
Hi, Yes, in the future, we really do not need to know the title of the file. If you want to achieve the best possible quality, you could use CCE, which is pretty complicated, so convert to MPEG-2 using TMPGenc Xpress, than use an authoring software (easy - TMPGEnc DVD Author 1.6 (now also called Tsunami I believe). You can from there, create chapters, menu's, and even add subtitles and than author and burn from the same software, to make it DVD Player compliant. Easiest way out, use Nero, or take my way, or look at the guides on the site. XviD to DVD. Regards, DiRect