Im looking into buying a decent digital camera that also shoots videos with sound for under 400$. im looking at the COOLPIX P5100 does any one know if this shoots short videos, or of any other canon or nikon digital cameras that do?
I wanted to know if the Nikon P5100 is compatible with the same lens as the ones used in DSLR.If so wuld u prefer a Nikon P5100 to a Nikon D40x.I have read the comparision but im seeking for a personal advise now. should ask your question in your own thread. trying to take over a thread by asking your question that is not the main topic is called HIJACKING THE THREAD. But it's a beginners mistake and it's not uncommon..... but still against forum rules. the P5100 has a built in lens.... you can't use other lenses for it. So if you want to use different lenses go with the DSLR. I have Canon cameras so I really can't give you a reply on Nikon cameras or lenses.