Hi, my coolsat 6000 was using Bin 152, but I can only get DN, when I reload the Bin 149, then DN was down, but Bev is good to go, I can not get both of them running,any idea, or do I need to wait for the new Bin to come out. Thanks
Both are up - are you using a diseq switch? Check the settings. Try hooking up 1 dish at a time and test it.
Yes, I am using a Diseq switch? How can I check the setting? Because the switch is out on the roof of my house and the connection was installed by other person, also, you mentioned to enter the key manually, could you please show me how, when I use 8282 to enter the key edit of my Coolsat6000, I don't know which one I should enter, the key I got is 00 and 01, but in the Coolsat it shows 20, 21, 10 & 11, please help me out. Thanks
Goto channel 8282 to change keys - page 1 is dish - page 2 is BEV. When you look at the latest keys pages, they are usually 86 and 96. 86 = 10 & 11 96 = 20 & 21 To get 10 & 11, divide line 86 in the middle and you will have line 10 on the left and 11 on the right. Do the same with 96 to get 20 and 21. To check your diseq settings, goto Menu>Dish Settings, then you will see down the menu Diseqc Switch - this should be ON. Then you will see Committed - you have to set this to 1,2,3, or 4 for whatever inlet you used for that satellite. eg: If DISH is in inlet 1, your Dish satellite should be coomitted to 1. Then save. Then do the same for BEV. If BEV is in inlet 2, committed for BEV satellite should be set to 2. Then save.
Hi, my coolsat6000 still can not get the DN, after I manually key in the new key, it only good for just a few minute after I key in the new one, any idea, I need some help, thanks