I have made various copies of this disc that will burn to cd and play the music in game. What i can't do is make an image to have on my HD that will play the music. It will play sounds fine but not the sound track in the back ground. I have used pretty much every cd copy program out there with no luck. I have found lots of good info on this site before and was wondering if anyone could help. I own the game and play it often i just am tired of switching out discs and wearing down my cd drive. THX
P4 3ghz, Albatron Board intel 865pe MB,800mhz fsb Radeon 9600 xt, 120gig sata HDD, I have used various cd/dvd-roms/rw, i now have a dual layered dvd burner less than a month old, and a Lite-on dvd/cd burner also and various others, is that enough pc info? I have used clonecd, alcohol 120%, Blindewrite, (these i have used and made good iso, but like i said i can not get them to play the sound file in game, used daemon tools drive emulater for copy protection also)and most every other program i have seen listed on these forums. As far as media i am not wanting to make anything but the iso to store on my hard drive to keep my cd-roms from spinning so much. I own this game, the disc i am using is the AOE II gold edition. Clonyxxl v2006 says it is securom V2. I have made good images that i have put to disc that will play sound but i am not wanting the cd in drive. I play so often that i would like to keep image mounted on the drive. I just like to hear the music when i play, it just to quite when its not there, call me crazy THX
you called andmerr ?. lol. i've skim-read thru and i think i get the gist of what's required. It' been a couple years since i dabbled in this PC game lark. sounds like you want some kind of [bold]virtual cd drive or something like that[/bold], but the details escape me as it's been so long. Most PC game copying i ever got into (lots of them) were if i recall, mostly music-less, and wouldn't need the CD either. As i'm so rusty, have you tried [bold]http://www.gamecopyworld.com[/bold] ? i just tried the site for a laugh an am amazed it's still going strong. wow, i'd have a mooch there, but you're possibly ahead of me as i don't recognise Clonyxxl. I recognise the other stuff you mention however, just a few cobwebs in the way wow i still got Age of Empires 1 somewhere, and i still got all my 100s of PC games (and a lot are *cough* copied *cough*), but as i say it's been a couple years.
i just want to make a copy of my age of empires: conquerors cd that i own onto my hard drive that i can emulate with deamon tools that play the music (soundtrack.) I have made successful copies that will install game and even play with sounds but for some reason i can't get the "soundtrack" playing in the back ground when i play a game. I was just wondering if anyone knew how i could make an image that would do this (play the music when playing game.) Its not a major ordeal i just don't know anything else to do and as they say "2 heads are better than one" so... I also would like to save the extend the life span of my cd-rom drives. Thx for any and all replies.
as i say it's been a few years and back then one of the things wuld be chopped from games would be the cd audio anyway. Which i did find great for me as i hate CD drives spinning the whole time during a game. I was always happy to be able to copy a game and play it, even minus the music. you'd have to do some more digging as i don't know if things have moved on in last 2 years. Have you looked in the PC/games forums more, what i mean is, i rarely hang out in those forums as i'm kept more than busy in the DVD sections (even then i can only keep up with a few of the DVD sections) sorry i'm not being more help btw..
well i get the sound file on the image I just have never gotten it to play, oh well thx for the replies, i have done all the googling i can do and have come up with nothing. THx again