In case you mean factory, I'll post to that. Hopefully you have the whole Nero suite, including Recode2 which is a very good transcoding and burning software. You have to have a transcoder to reduce larger files to fit a smaller capacity disc. Like a factory dvd movie recorded to a DVD-5 (the 4. 7 discs). To prepare the files one can rip with DVD Decrypter to the hard drive (HD). Another method is to use a driver decrypter such as AnyDVD. The basic recipe for dvd backup of video discs is Rip + Transcode + Burn. Without decryption the factory discs won't record. Without the transcoder, the larger files would be too large to fit the lower capacity disc. Except for the encryption and size, all a person would need is disc copy software. _X_X_X_X_X_[small][bold]'brobear'[/bold] [/small]