G'day, I know that you can use flashfxp to back up your games to the hard drive. But is there a way to copy them from the game directly to hard drive and not thru a pc?
yeah u need to get PxHDD Loader 1.1 that will make it work.. make sure u have the newest bios and evox so you don't need to patch the games.
x commander will also work. it's used to manage all the files on your xbox without ftp to pc. copy, move, etc. between every drive.
burning it to a disk will work but i recommend you ftp to the xbox then place it in as an Application. When burning to a disk you gotta load the hddloader disk first then switch it with the game. And i think you also need an eject fixed bios to keep the xbox from reseting when you're switching the disk.
Is there a possible way to put the hddloader into the hard drive from the disk? I don't know how I can be able to connect my Xbox to my PC, as I do not have a router.
you dont need a router, the system link cable (cros over cable) that you used to link other xboxes also works. They're like $15. Very easy to ftp, you should do some research either on this forum or other sites like xbox scene to get the basic ideas and tutorials.