i have both internal and external burners. i would like to use them while using dvd x copy platinum so that i can just copy straight to the external burner. i cannot figure out a way to make this happen. i can do it with nero, but that does not have a decrypter with it. please help...thanks
I don't think there's a single DVD copying program that can do that. To burn a backed up DVD the program rips and transcodes until it produces DVD compliant files then burn it.
i suppose you mean on the fly? well you have to hit the targets right! you can read from your internal burner and output to your external burner; just choose the right drive lettering at the correct points
MrBungleO....... I'm not understanding what you mean? please explain in more detail what you want to do. Do you want to burn with both burners at the same time? or do you want one to read and one to write? duhhhhhhhh?!
The only way you can backup direct "on the fly" is if your original is under the 4.3g size limit. Otherwise you need to compress and that means the image must temporarily be put on your HDD. There is no program that will do it directly to a disk if compression is needed. If no compression is needed then you can do "on the fly" burning with Nero but only if you have a program like AnyDVD running in the background to break encryption. CloneDVD will also do direct copy of a DVD5 to DVD5 but it to needs AnyDVD in the background. There is a trial of these programs http://www.slysoft.com
now why couldn't his question be burning to disk without ripping to hard drive!? That I would understand!
quote mrbungle0 i have both internal and external burners. i would like to use them while using dvd x copy platinum so that i can just copy straight to the external burner. i cannot figure out a way to make this happen. i can do it with Nero, but that does not have a decrypter with it. please help...thanks NOTE: i sent him here from the dvdxcopy forum to get a another program like clone or what ever...instead of using the crapy platinum and that ye guys can explain that to him. on how to rip with his internal burner and burn to his external.. i was the one that was tired and wanted to go to bed...
I'm tired too..... I want to go to bed..... Arniebear..... can you take this one, PLEEAAAAAAAASSSSSSSEEEEEEEEE! HAHAHAHAHAHA zzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzz