Copying DVD+R and DVD-R

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Wowwow, Apr 13, 2004.

  1. Wowwow

    Wowwow Guest

    Hi all,
    I've been trying to copy a copied DVD-R that has already been compressed...I used Nero 6 and DVD+R to try to copy the dvd...For some reason the compacity between the DVD-R shows 4490mb and my blank disk show 4483...Everytime I try to copy DVD-R, I need to shrink it then copy instead of saving time and burning it directly. Any suggestions as to why the capacity is different...Thanks.
  2. grogey

    grogey Guest

    Wowwow - not that I am any expert but here goes for a change I'll give some advice instead of asking for it.

    (by the by - this thread probably belongs in the DVD Media forum[/i]

    DVD-R & DVD+R both generally are 4.7 GB - but a 4.7 GB disc is seen by a computer as having approximately 4.37 GB. As I have heard ScubaPete mention often there is a formula for this and I have even read it but it is way too much for me.

    Using the handy DVDInfoPro tool that I recently downloaded I got the following information:

    For the DVD+R I had on hand
    MEDIA ID001
    FormatCapacity - Not Formatted
    Free Blocks - 405405696
    Free Capacity - 4.38GB(4.70GB)
    Media Type - DVD+R
    Linear Density - 0.267um/bit
    Track Density - 0.74um/track
    Number of layers - 1

    For the DVD-R the results were:
    Media code/Manufacturer ID - RITEKG04
    Format Capacity - Not Formatted
    Free Blocks - 411107328
    Free Capacity - 4.38GB(4.71GB)
    Media Type - DVD-R
    Linear Density - 0.267um/bit
    Track Density - 0.74um/track
    Number of Layers - 1

    I'm not totally sure how to make total sense of all of this - but if you notice I've bolded the free blocks info section. Notice how the DVD-R has more free blocks than the DVD+R.......... I suspect that this holds the answer to your question.
  3. Wowwow

    Wowwow Guest

    Yes...Everytime I try to copy directly from a DVD-R to DVD+R, it says that the DVD+R do not have the capacity to copy to DVD-R; thus, i ended up using the shrink before burning...a really waste of time...Do anyone have any suggestions.
  4. grogey

    grogey Guest

    Buy some DVD-Rs instead? she says very tongue in cheek.

    Sorry you'll have to wait for someone with a bit more expertise than I for an answer to that question.

  5. Wowwow

    Wowwow Guest

    Unfortunately, my burner only takes DVD+R.
  6. StormX

    StormX Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Ok, I am totally new at all of this!! I havent ever been in this type of website before either. I just bought a new computer with a DVD burner and I have NO clue of what i am doing!! I have read the rules here and looked at some of the Q&As but I am not sure what I need to d/l to make this work! Can you please help me out and let me know everything that I need to get before burning will be successful!! PLEASE!! =+)
  7. Wowwow

    Wowwow Guest

    StormX, You need to start a new thread not adding your issues onto someone else's...Please click on the button at the bottom to start new thread.

    But instead of leaving you hanging, I downloaded the demo Nero and dvdshrink to start burning and backups. Search for guides using these softwares.
  8. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Hi Wowwow, Is Nero actually telling you it won't copy because there is a size difference? I have done many +R to -R, and -R to +R with Nero and have never had this come up. I don't know if I have been just lucky. I just put the disc in the drive, click copy complete disc and insert a blank when it tells me to. I never checked size between them since I never had any errors.

  9. Wowwow

    Wowwow Guest

    Exactly...Those are the exact steps I used in Nero and each time it says both disc have different capacity and errors out. You are lucky!
  10. grogey

    grogey Guest

    Take advice from someone who knows
    Tie Your nightie to your toes...... oh sorry that's my Mum's favourite advice to new brides.......

    My advice on the other hand is to take the following steps - now listen up closely and carefully and you'll be on the road to success

    I know the feeling of getting a burner and being all impatient and excited and just wanting to burn that first disc - but if you can be a little patient and do the research - the info is already here for you.

    Step 1 - Download DVDShrink (free free free!!!)
    Step 2 - Download DVD Decrypter
    Step 3 - Print yourself out a copy of both of these guides:
    Copy DVD-9 movie in full to one DVD-R with DVD Shrink
    Copy DVD to DVD-R using DVD Decrypter (DVDs smaller than 4.36GB)
    Step 4 - buy some decent media - you can check out the DVDMedia forum for that.
    Step 5 - turn of any programs that you don't need so they won't interfere with the burn process. ( )
    Step 6 - Decide what you are gonna copy - DVD5 or DVD9 and then use the appropriate guide step by step to go at it.
  11. StormX

    StormX Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    ok i will do that thanks so very much for the help!! sorry about the thread thing LOL like i said i have never even been on one of these before either hehe!!! i will try it out thanks!!

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