ok i wanted to copy dvd witout ripping. And on web i found that with the help of anydvd, one can copy dvd without ripping it. Now is it really possible or it was just a mistake by the author. if we can copy without ripping then how do u do it. (remember the making of temporary files is still riping). Actually i need to save time so i need anything that can copy dvd without ripping.
It's a mistake. You must rip any copy protected DVD before making a backup. AnyDVD, DVD Decripter, ect are all rippers.
AnyDVD is driver that just breaks encryption it does nothing else. It makes your disk look unprotected, yes you can make a backup on the fly from disk to disk, however your data must be the exact size of the DVD. In essence if your data is below 4.3g in size you can fit it to a single layer DVD5 disk, if it is above then you must use a dual layer DVD9 disk. Otherwise you must rip temporarily to your HDD and compress. Nero will let you backup on the fly also Sonic and CopytoDVD.
As [bold]arniebear[/bold] said, if your burn engine supports it, you can copy an encrypted source "on-the-fly" with AnyDVD in the background breaking the encryption...
I've been using Shrink 3.5.4 and DVDDecrypter for about a year now and have noted its starting to get more difficult with newer movies. After viewing this thread, I'm considering ANYDVD since I'm not "swift" enough to understanding/using PGCEdit and VOBBlanker with confidence. I burn with Nero Ultra 6 and was wondering if (since AnyDVD "works in the background") if I could use Nero Burning ROM or maybe Recode to just go to my ROM Drive with the original in it and burn it to my BENQ +R burner while ANYDVD was activated? I assume that I could use Shrink or Decrypter to burn it to the HardDrive but if ANYDVD "works in the background" why would I clutter up the hard drive. CAN Nero be used in this manner?
Thanks Bilbo65 for the response....I interpret rip/shrink to mean that I "just copy" the disc using recode and "shrink" to mean use the option of Nero "fit to target size of 4430". Right?
there are other programs which can convert your dvd to an avi/vob format , and from that point you can go forwards to mpeg2(then to disc after a re-encoding process) or leave it as it is.(to be viewed on your pc) ones claddvd another is fair use wizard2 a 3rd is dvdfab decrypter