can somebody tell me how 2 get halo2 on my hard xbox is softmodded and i hav a couple of modded maps but i want to get halo2 on my hardrive to make my modding a little easier...if anybody knos plz reply...thx
Ok then your only going to be able to get the multiplayer part on your hdd. Go Here: Do that to get H2 on your harddrive. If you dont know how to ftp, then learn how prior to trying this. and for your question, after you get H2 on your hdd, look in the maps folder and there you go.
Thats what I use. As long as you follow the steps from that site, theres no way to mess up. OH and don't try to play Halo 2 online if your playing straight from your harddrive. You'll get banned immediatly. You can only use the 9 downloaded maps to play Live soft-modded.
Turn your xbox on then put halo 2 in. Dont launch the game stay at the main evox dashboard. then ftp and there is a D drive.
and also i cant connect 2 the vbox wen im on the evox dashboard i hav 2 be on the place where u install the softmod place
.... Ok *sigh* do you have your ftp set up like this. Pc: IP address: Subnet: Default Gateway: your DNS's should say if I were you I would change your pc to that and then connect your pc and xbox with a system link cable aka crossover cable. Which means no router and no internet for PC while FTPing. then you can FTP from your EVOX dashboard