hi guyz i have a slight problem i have copied harry potter goblet of fire onto my hard drive , now the problem is when i go to copy the VOB files on a blank disc ( verbitim disc ) ive tried using fab dvd decrypter and dvd shrink and they all seem to either pause of stop completely when encoding or copying mostly when at 85% , the thing i cant work our is that the flim files on on the hard drive and the film will play from the folder but i cant seem to copy it, any ideas ???? many thanks shaun
hello clemo, Well u can try running the files on your HDD thru VobBlanker, then use the folder made by VobBlanker with shrink and that should fix the problem heres VobBlanker http://jsoto.posunplugged.com/vobblanker.htm heres a guide http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/334154, just skip the DVDFab part and use the VOBBlanker part, then use shrink BTW does an error come up or does it just freeze in shrink?