when did this come out? It's anime right? If it's new it might have new encryption on it but I know AnyDVD will do the trick. They keep that up-to-date really good. What programs are you using to rip & burn?
disney usually puts in encryptions that if your programs are not up-to-date then you'll have problems with it. If you don't want to spend money use DVDFab Decrypter to rip movie to the hard drive, once it's on the hard drive see if you can open files with Shrink. Should do the trick. http://www.dvdidle.com/free.htm
another question what version of anydvd are you using???????? most that i know have problems copying movies with a older anydvd seems like they can not update,i wonder why.. anydvd is at version and the older versions will not do the newer movies..
IHoe It seems that everyone that wants to use a No No program then they want to update it for free (Want Want want. AnyDVD is not cheap, but you figure that since they Slysoft are always updating it on a regular basis that in the long run you are paying about a $1.95 for it. (Kidding) Well worth the money if you want to keep up with all the new junk that the movie studios throw at us....? well AnyDVD that is.....
AnyDVD has been updating it's program every month and I try to go several updates before updating again it must be getting cracked pretty often because every 3 weeks I get a notice that Anydvd has been updated and as to an earlier question, I am in the US and as to no-no programs, I get the feeling that a lot of people here and other places are making no-no copies of dvd's so why should it bother some that people are using no-no programs to make those copies? Just asking, not trying to be a pain
anydvd was just updated AnyDVD History, 2006 06 09 - New: The old option "Show information window for new media" from AnyDVD 5.x is back due to popular demand - Fix: Crash with Japanese language - Fix: Crash of AnyDVD ripper - Fix: AnyDVD ripper did not always append the "VIDEO_TS" directory - Updated languages http://static.slysoft.com/SetupAnyDVD.exe