Ha Mates, I seem to be having a we bit of problem backing up more that one movie on to a single DVD. Any suggestions? I am seem to be stuck on only backing up one per disk,A waste of a good DVD space. I am now updating my version of decrypted and shrink. also using Nero 6.
Nero is lame. Author the series of movies with DVD Lab (the only authoring application which accepts (S)VCD movies). Of course, you can fit multiple movies only if DVD movies have a bitrate not too huge or if you have (S)VCD movies (The 'rule of thumb' is " 155' DVD movies per DVD". You can either fit approx 450' of MPEG-1 VCD and 250' of MPEG-2 SVCD).
Ha Thanks for the reply when I can fin this DVD Lab software. How complex is it to work with, would I have to use a decoder first and compress the vob file to make it fit?
Encode/rip the movies to mpeg-2 (mpg). Import into dvdlab, and demux. Author to the hard drive. Apply DVDShrink to the authored dvd. Burn. If it doesn't fit, shrink twice. http://www.mainconcept.com for DVDLab (get the Pro version).