copying multiple episodes..too big..HELP!

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by panasta, Jun 13, 2006.

  1. panasta

    panasta Member

    Jun 13, 2006
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    Can somebody help me figure out how to copy DVD's with multiple episodes so that they will fit on a single DVD..I do not problems with regular movies using Decrypter, AnyDVD, & Clone DVD
  2. dolphin2

    dolphin2 Guest

    Use DVD Shrink.
  3. panasta

    panasta Member

    Jun 13, 2006
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    I used to use Decrypter and then Shrink but it stopped working for some DVD's (it would no longer ask me to put in a blank disk when finished and would instead go back into Decrypter automatically).
    In what order would I use Shrink with the other programs and do I have to do anything differntly in order to work?
    Thanks for your help1
  4. gogochar

    gogochar Guest

    First, let me say that this will HEAVILLY COMPRESS YOUR EPISODES! Now that I got that out of the way, here we go:
    1. First, use DVD Decrypter to put the disks onto your computer. Then, open up DVD Shrink and go to "Re-author".
    2. Next, go to "Edit", "Preferences", and select the target size of the DVD to DVD-9. Now put all the episodes onto the same virtual target. Make sure you select a target folder because you will want to shrink it later. Once you have all the episodes into one folder click "Backup".
    3. After it's done, go to the "Full Disk" option and select "Open Files". Now, navigate to the folder and hit "OK". Go back to "Edit", "Preferences" and set the target size to "DVD-5". If you get some red in the little diagram inside the compression settings, then simply go back to "Edit", "Preference" and click "DVD-9". Go to compression settings and choose "Custom Compression". Now, hit it to as least as it will take you and hit backup. Repeat step 3 until you get the target small enough to fit onto a DVD-5.
    4. Once you have the target small enough for a DVD-5, choose “Backup” and proceed as if you were backing up a regular disk.
    Have fun doing this! Once again, I’m not responsible for any loss in quality in the picture!
  5. dolphin2

    dolphin2 Guest

    I would use the method gogochar said. However, I would limit each disc to 3 one hour episodes or 5 half-hour ones. This would retain the quality better. It would cut down on the steps needed to make it a DVD9 and then compressing it down to a DVD5.

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