hi all, this is the first time ive posted anything lol,...anyhoo to the point....ive been trying to back up my copy of the film revolver using shrink..no joy just get the cyclic error report and also as soon as shrink reads the disk the whole program seems to freeze up..tried dvdfab aswell but still no joy then tried anydvd same thing..all the programs i try wont look at it....any ideas? tried copying main movie only but still nothing....is it worth investing in the latest version of dvd platinum?...ill be greatfull of any of ur ideas ..thanx
More than likely you have a damaged/dirty/scratched disk, try cleaning it or take it back and get another original, 90% of CRC errors are media related. If you are getting errors with DVDFab which does a pretty good job with bad disks, it is doubtful another program will get it.