Hi, This is probably a dumb question, but how do I copy a dvd of my grandson's football photo slideshow to my computer's hard drive? I see how to make a copy of the dvd to another dvd but not to the computer. I have Nero 6.6 OEM with Nero Vision 6.1 and Vision Express 3.1 My system is Windows XP. I tried to do a search but it said there were too many responses. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. Gail
You can use DVD Shrink. Click 'Open Disc' then 'Backup'. For the backup target,elect the hard drive folder. http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_rippers/dvd_shrink.cfm
Thank you so much for responding. I downloaded DVD Shrink and did as you suggested, but now how do I view it on my computer? It saved to Video TS and Audio TS folders, but I just wanted to copy it as the movie file and save it on my computer. It was originally saved as an avi file. Thanks for your help. Gail
It's viewed the same way that view a DVD movie on the PC - except you browse to the VIDEO_TS folder instead of the DVD drive.
There are two file choices to play when I right click on the file. One is Video_TS.VOB which only opens to the title page. The other is VTS_01_1.VOB which plays, but with no sound. I will read the links you provided and try to figure it out. Thanks. Gail
Drag that file onto 'GSpot'. Check that the audio is present. http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/video_tools/gspot.cfm
It does show audio. How do you insert the picture of the gspot screen? I captured mine and saved it as a jpg but tried to copy and paste it to this reply and then tried to drag it here. I see there is a button to add an image but it just shows img in brackets and don't know how to insert my image. Sorry I am such a newbie at this. Gail
Upload the pic to TinyPic or ImageShack and get a link to post in your message. I use Tinypic - I don't store pictures on line. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/122211#3449160
Thank you so much! I am inserting the screen capture of Gspot info for the slideshow I made. Let me know if you notice any reason why audio is not working after you have time to look at it. Thanks. Gail
In the image I posted, it refers to buttons one and two. What happens when those buttons are pressed - what information appears. I assume that you can normally play DVD's OK? Which media player do you use.
you clicked the button under MS A/V in GSpot and there was nothing? Pressing button one should show the filters or decoders used to attempt to play back the file and button two should start the video playing - even if there is no audio. Try installing AC3filter. http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/codecs_and_filters/ac3filter.cfm
If you look at the screen I sent you, button 1 is highlighted and info appears on the screen. Button 2 is grayed out and does nothing if I click on it.
The button circled in red is one I'm referring to - are we talking about the same one? Did you install AC3filter?
Sorry, disregard previous message. I didn't understand which buttons you were referring to. I am working on copying the screen to send you the correct ones.
Here is the jpg of the screen with button #1. Sorry for my lack of knowledge. Appreciate your patience.
According to that information it would use Nero to playback the video and audio. Pressing button 2 should start playing the video in a small window in GSpot. There should be audio. Instead of using Windows Media Player, download and install VLC player and use that instead. I use this older version. http://www.videohelp.com/download/vlc-0.8.6f-win32.exe Click 'File' => 'Open Directory' and browse to your 'VIDEO_TS' folder. Good luck.