I own about 50 VHS movies that I would like to copy to DVD. I have a Sanyo DRW-500 DVD recorder. I have connected my VCR to my DVD recorder and when I try to copy the movie I get the message recording prohibited. How can I resolve this problem? Thanks eedad
This is because Retail VHS Tapes are Copy protected and your DVD Recorder is Detection the Copy protecting and Prohibiting you from recording it... The only way to get arround this is to buy a "Video Stabilizer" to remove the Macrovision copy protection from the Signal comeing from your VCR...Video stabilizers cost anywere from $30 to $100 depending on the Device and if it will remove copy protection from Just VHS tapes or from Both VHS tapes and DVD"s..... If you want some links to different devices for removing copy Protection Let me Know and I"ll find some for you....Cheers
Thank you so much for solving my problem with copying my VHS tapes. Yes I would very much like to have some links for removing copy protection. Once again thanks a lot!
From what I hear this company makes some of the Best Video stabilizers and they are specificly made to work with DVD Recorders... http://www.facetvideo.com/xcart/customer/product.php?productid=85 These ones are also supposed to be Pretty good: http://www.dimax.com.ua/English/dvd_recorder.htm Cheers