im trying to copy my version of xbmc to the apps section of my e drive, i already have dvd2xbox there, so there's nothing wrong there. the file is about 130mb and i have 250mb space left, but whenever i try to make it go it gets to about an eighth of the way there then says the following: an error occured copying a file to the ftp server. make sure you have permsission to put files on the server details: 226 transfer complete 200 type set to image. i have no idea what this means, i am looking at the folders through ie so i must have permsission huh? i dont know what im doing wrong, maybe i just need more space. even though i should still have an extra 100mb after its done. il ltry deleteing hitman in the morning once ive backed it up.
im ftping a normal document folder (its not supposed to be zipped right?)it says xbmc 15.05.06? must be the date when released or built. thats all i know inside the xbmc folder there is the following other stuff: xboxmediacentre xml document default.xbe filezillaserver changelog and other folders called media, language etc. thats about all i can tell you, apart from when i ftp it creates all the folders then starts copying somoe of the files but then it stops, so it would seem i would have run out of space, but there's 3.8gb left and the whole folder is only 128mb or sumthin like that.
i have no clue what the problem could be,can you copy the whole flashfxp log file and paste it in here...
why would the type of prgram i use have an effect on what im transfering, you dont have to have flashfxp to use it, so i dont need it to transfer it. if youre gonna waste peoples time by giving them misleading info like that then i dont think you should be part of afterdawn.
stop being dumb, internet explorer ftp dont work well with PASV connections and that is the type of connection made between the xbox and the PC....use flashfxp and it will work without a hitch.....internet explorer FTP is a very basic application. dont say i give misleading info when i can send anything to my xbox....
well ive already send many games and dvd2xbox thru internet explorer, and whenever i tried to use my smartftp build 2.0 (the new one) it wont let me sign in.
i d/loaded it and when i go to the lightning bolt in the top left o fthe right section(ftp browser) it opens up a connect window, and i use the following options: server or url: ( i put in my xboxs ip) username: xb password: xb (these are the same as set on my xbox, i dont use the username and pass as xbox bcos of hackers etc.) remote path: (i leave blank bcos i dont know wot to put in it) proxy server: (default) the log: WinSock 2.0 -- OpenSSL 0.9.8b 04 May 2006 [R] Connecting to (my xbox ip is here) -> IP=(the ip is here again) PORT=21 [R] Connected to (my xboxs ip again) [R] Connection failed (Connection lost) please note i am in the dashboard and i do have ftp enabled, this concludes that either i have something missing from the remote path bit, or flashfxp makes no difference than internet explorer.
no you have not tried to send XBMC using flashfxp yet, you cant even connect are you using a router or direct connect? and do you have windows firewall turned off??and what dashboard are you using?