
Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by peteacher, Aug 21, 2006.

  1. peteacher

    peteacher Member

    Jun 4, 2004
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    I was reading the post about how to copy songs from your ipod back to your computer. It talks about copypod. Since I reformatted my computer and lost my itunes, I would like to copy the 1300 songs I have on my ipod back to my PC.

    My question is, has anyone purchased copypod and used it? The free version only allows you to copy 100 songs back to the PC. I am considering purchasing the program, I just wanted a little feedback on it if possible.

    Thanks for all your input!!
  2. bunny_c

    bunny_c Guest

    Nooo don't buy it you would be getting ript of, use sharepod it's just like copypod but free.

    download it at:

    I just saved you 30 bucks.

    By writing in the google search bar "copy music back to pc from ipod"
    i clicked on the first link i got and got a list of free programs that
    copyed you're music back to you're pc from you're ipod.

    What i'm trying to say is it's good to do some research.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2006
  3. peteacher

    peteacher Member

    Jun 4, 2004
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    Thanks for the response bunny_c. I actually did do some of the research and I liked how easy using copypod looked. I was just wondering if anyone actually bought the full version and tried it. Apparently there are several ways to go about copying songs from your ipod back to your computer, I was just looking for the simplest way!!!

    I should be ashamed of myself huh?? LOL

    Thanks again for your input :)
  4. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    I used the program back in it's early days. It was the best at the time, however, I have since switched to Anapod Explorer, which makes iPod management a whole lot simpler. It has a trial version, so I recommend a tryB4Ubuy. Whether you choose Anapod or CopyPod, both are worth the small fee, for my money. Good luck..
  5. peteacher

    peteacher Member

    Jun 4, 2004
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    Lethal_B... thank you for the response. I have been doing some reading on the anapod explorer and it appears to get great reviews. Trying the free trial version will be a good idea, no doubt. My question is, is it easy to learn how to use this program? I think I found a guide on how to use it... but would you happen to know of a nice step by step guide on using it??

    Thanks again for all your help. I definitely appreciate it. :)

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