Corel Draw (Graphic Software)

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Hazelnut, May 2, 2004.

  1. Hazelnut

    Hazelnut Member

    Aug 10, 2003
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    Hi, Does anyone know how to use Corel Draw vers. 10?
    I do not have a book. Know of any very good books which give step by step instructions?
    Using Help takes forever. I find reading online and understanding what to do at the same time is difficult. Printing all the Tutorials from Corel is lots of time, paper & ink.
    I am totally lost. Some area where I am lost:
    * Specifying driver compatibility setting.
    * Understanding the Color management dialog box.
    * How to correct Colors, management styles,applying color & tone effects.
    * Which colors to use (eg. CMYK? RGB?). What does Panetone mean or do?.
    * How to work with palettes.
    * Printing defaults. Does Corel over-ride printed defaults?.

    I would appreciate feed back. Thank you.
  2. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Silly question: how important is it for you to get "absolute 100% perfect colour matching"? If the answer is something along the lines of "its not the end of the world if I dont" then I would reccomend you use the default settings.

    Some quick answers:
    1. For most people RGB is an ideal color set. People more involved with the endproduct (pre-print, desktop publishing, etc) will probably be more accustomed to using CMYK. Pantone is just a predefined color set for yet some other (similar) purpose.

    2. What do you mean by printing defaults? If you mean the settings for your printer then you can have CDraw use the printer's settings or you can set your own Corel specific templates

    3. When you say "driver compatibility" do you mean scanner? Camera? Printer? :)
  3. Hazelnut

    Hazelnut Member

    Aug 10, 2003
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    Hi Praetor: Perfection is a different issue.
    1. I would like to learn how to use all the COREL features, including "how to work with colors."
    2. When I went to print an object (sample picture) from Corel, I noticed that the printing default changed to "Corel". There was a "Browse" button. However, I did not understand how to put it back to the "Epson: use printer setting", or if I was even supposed to do that. The problem was that afterwards, when I wanted to pring a MS Word document, the printer default still showed "Corel".
    3. The specify driver compatibility settings: is to select a non-PostScript printing device from the Printer list box, & to enable whatever settings correspond (according to print-out from Corel Help).
    4. The Color management diaglog box: is a process of matching colors between various devices, such as scanners, digital cameras (which I don't have) and printer & monitor (I do have). This is designed to ensure color matching between various devices. (according to Corel print out from Help).
    5. I really need a very good book that gives step-by-step instructions, on how to use Corel Graphics (version 10 is what I have installed).
    Writ when you can. Regards.
  4. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    Its a good program, but dated now unfortunetly.
    The best place to find books is Computer clearance stores. Thats were I found a book on Photopaint 10.
    What country or approx city are you? I ask this as the only place where I have seen books on Draw 10, is in library's. I know Toronto Public and University of Toronto Libraries have books on Draw 10. But now with Draw 11 and Draw 12 suits out, most store available books are on these. And Draw 12 is very different than Draw10.

    About some of your questions, You should use RGB. Most people, puplishers use RGB. But read the mannual for your printer. If it uses CMYK, then you are better with that. But I know HP uses RGB, but Epson I don't know.

    Other aspescts it might be easier to play with the program on a test image, then you can see what you need and what works best.
  5. Hazelnut

    Hazelnut Member

    Aug 10, 2003
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    Hi Prisoner: If I may ask, how did you come to choose your nick name? Where do you live?
    I live in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (I go to Toronto, maybe once a year). I found one "Corel Draw 11" book in a clearance sort of book store for $25 Cdn.
    Since I have the software "Corel version 10", perhaps the book of "version 11" is too advanced, or it has features which I might not find in version 10?
    Usually, Corel books being sold in regular book stores (in Montreal) sell for about $100. Cdn. (a bit steep!).
    On the Internet, I did a search for Corel 10, & found a link that listed 4 books for Corel 10. Though I don't know where to buy,for how much, & what currency (for cash only). Story of my life. When I get a software, it's already old by today's standards.
    As I previously wrote, I find it hard to use the "Corel Tutorial" and practise at the same time. At absolute worst, I will have to print all the tutorials for Corel Draw, Corel Paint, Rave, Capture, etc.
    Let me know if you come up with something.
    Thanks. Regards.
  6. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Prisoner is from T-dot (studying Biochem?) if i am not mistaken? :) (I'm from ONT as well). Yes indeed.

    Wait for the biannual computer show in Toronto/Missis. (Nov 2004) -- you can easily find yourself a CDraw book for $20 -- and prolly closer to 5-10 bucks.

    If you can find a good CDraw11 book for a decent price, grab it because to be honest, there hasnt been a major improvement/addition in the functionality of the program since CDraw8 (or even version 7).

    A curiosity/question: you stated you wanted to learn how to use CDraw's features etc., is this for work/school/etc (i.e., time sensitive) or for the sake of learning (not so time sensitive).

    With regards to the printer settings, you can manually set the global printer defaults (i believe) via the Printer's applet in the control panel.

    Prisoner: I would argue that publishers tend towards CMYK :) although consumers will undoubtably find RGB easier.

    As much as I would like to believe so (and i honestly have no factual proof to the contrary), I doubt that.... that would just be mind boggling... Ive been a CDraw user since CDraw3 (still my fav) and used all of them up to V10 (except V9).... V4-6 were practically the same, V7-10 were practically the same and it would almost seem to be a complete change in the "style" for there to be changes in CDraw12 (it would be about as shocking as saying that transitioning Word2000 to Word2003 would involve major changes). I dunno, havnt used CDraw12, but thats very surprising (and hopeful, maybe Corel has another chance at survival?) :p
  7. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    I am a big fan of the 1965 tv show the Prisoner. Thats why I put I am not a number I am a freeman in my signiture. See:
    New books are very expensive, thats why I would check your local library first. You will be surprised that a lot of Computer books are there. Websearch found
    Gulliver libary 16 books but Draw 3, draw 4 and Draw 2.
    But I would still try that first.

    Preator, you are partly right.
    At University of Toronto, doing PhD in Medical Biophysics.
    Also most Science journals now ask for RGB and not CMYK. I am writing an article now and the journals I am looking at only want RGB.
    But Hazelnut look at your printer manual to see what it uses. You want to match to that, otherwise what you see on the screen will not be what you print.
    Corel 12 is different, it allows for greater intergration of photoshop and illustrator files (the darkside). Also there are some new tools for adding arrows and lines easily in photoshop. But you are right its not a completely different. What what software upgrade really is.
  8. Hazelnut

    Hazelnut Member

    Aug 10, 2003
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    Hi Prisoner,
    I have never seen the show you referred to. Do you live in Ontario, or the USA?
    1)Never heard of Gulliver Library. What city?
    2)Do you think buying the Corel Draw vers.11 book ($25) is a wise choice?. Could I follow the instructions or will it be too advanced and complicated? I have vers. 10.
    3)In Montreal, I will check with some libraries. It's a start. However, as far as I know,librarie books are only for borrowing. I would like to keep the book.
    4)You are right concerning the printer's color print- out results. I printed a calendar I created (from version 8.)which was supposed to be in Green, and I got Blue. My computer tech. told me that he thinks I am missing yellow, but I do not know if that is the problem, or how to fix it.
    In Corel vers. 10, there is a "color management dialog box" as I mentioned before, and "color palettes, color management styles, edit colors etc".
    I do not understand how any of these work together & how to use/program them as defaults,or whenever needed . Probably that is why my calendar back-ground is blue i.e. of green.
    In Corel vers. 10, I can't find (or there isn't) a folder/application, where there are preset templates to create a calendar. Where did it go?
  9. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    I am in Toronto, Ontairo. I haven`t yet jumped ship to the USA. But most likely will happen soon.
    I did google search for Libary Montreal, Gulliver library is one of the public libraries that allows for online search of there catalogue. Might be around you corner. Being a very poor student, I always hit the library for books first. Yes you can only borrow, but for most computer problems usually you only are missing one or two steps. These can easy be writen down.
    From what I under stand looking at comparison charts Corel 11 and 10 are so close you may not notice the difference. Here is a link to the comparison chart:

    The only new feature from 10 to 11 appears to be pressure senitive brushes. This you would only use if you had a stylist (graphic tablet like Wacom).
    So if you do what a book, the version 11 will be fine.

    The printing problem you mentiond sounds like your ink catrige has dried up a little. IF you have an epson or cannon printer the first solution is to get a paper towel and wet it with warm water. Just so it is a little damp. then remove the cartrige and plot the region were the ink flows out on the paper towel. then add the cartrige back. See if that corrects it. IF not then you may need a new catrige or it may be a software issue. But if you are missing a colour like that is sounds more like a dried up cartige colour.
  10. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    At a hardware level, your printer uses CMYK -- as do professional typsetters and such

    Hazelnut, some suggestions:
    1. I would rush off to buy the new book right away especially if you have v10 book anyways: master the v10 stuff first and then move to the recent stuff - i shouldnt think it would be earthshatteringly different.

    2. Check university libraries, they usually have some books like that.
  11. Hazelnut

    Hazelnut Member

    Aug 10, 2003
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    Hi Prisoner & Praetor: 1)Printer is at the shop. They gave up on it. They say since its 5 yrs old..I will have to buy a new cartridge & test it. I lost most of the ink trying to print in color from Corel 10. I used original Epson cartridges before ($40.ea=$80), but as the color dried up all the time, I spent $80 a yr. for color only. Maybe its the clone cartridge causing all problems. I Will try the paper towel trick next time! Thanks for advice.
    2)Regarding Corel 10 book: The one I found, is vers. 11 ($25)excel. condition, by author "Steve Bain". Browsing through it, I find that it explains how to use all the tools & features of Corel. It is not a step-by-step guide book. The Book assumes that reader knows how to create (I don't! zealch). I searched on web, got to, & found 3 books for "Draw", & 2 books for "Paint". Can't tell if they are class-room step-by-step books. can't buy off Internet. Must continue search. At least now I have some titles $ author names.
    I have an accounting back-ground & usually learn softwares easily. Took several computer courses. I wanted to try some-thing new. I also like animation, but that is a different field!
    Thanks again. Enjoy the day! Regards.
  12. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    For that much you could have bought a new HP printer! I would recomed HP over Epson. Epson is good for dotmatrix, but HP is much better for colour and graphics.

    Good luck playing with Corel. For colour info the computer magazine HUB, had comments on colour matching. You can read articles here:

    Hope this helps.
  13. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Eeeeeek! HP may be a better overall brand blah blah blah i wont debate that but Epson has superior color capabilities (IMHO) .... which is why lots of digital photos are printed on them :)
  14. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    This is the first time I have thought that you are toking up Preator. I have had no end of trouble with the Epson 600 and Epson 800. The Epson 185 dot matrix that I have is a dream for black and white. But for Inkjet colour nothing beats HP. I have Used HP 832, HP 950 and an other HP (I think 920, but can`t remember, my ex girlfriends printer that I bought her). Never Never a problem. I think it is because the print head is replaced ever time the ink is replaced. So yes the cartiges are around $50 or 2 for $70 to $90 at Staples. But the print quality kills every Epson I have ever seen!!!

    The Cannon 250 I had really sucked and never tried any other Cannons. So I don`t know about them. Also the Lexmark at a Coop placement would have no end of paper jams. So I never realy played with them either.
  15. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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  16. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    I think it all has to do with cost limits. For cheap printers in the less than $500 range, HP are really good for colour. But when you do get to the upper end of Ink jets (more than $1500), I have heard that Cannons are really good. When you have sperate cartiges for CMY (Anyone who didn`t know the K is Black) or RGB, then you can really get good colour matching and quailty.
  17. Hazelnut

    Hazelnut Member

    Aug 10, 2003
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    Hi Prisoner & Praetor: Thank you both for your replies. Next time I plan to buy a new printer, I'll refer to your suggestions. What u're both saying I gathe, is that it depends on what I really need the printer to do that is important! I'll know that when I understand more about "colors" & their functions. I'll visit the HUB site. Thanks for the address.
    I put a new clone color cartridge in my Epson 640 (orig.$40), and it finally printed the test page. It must be as one of u prev. said, the cartridge dried out. A waste of money, as the bad one was also a new color cartridge.
    Again, in regards to the COREL DRAW 10 Book. The book I cheked out by "Steven Hain", vers. 11(big book), explained what every "feature" did. I think that book is really for people who already have some knowledge in graphics or Corel. In the book's "color" chapter, it talked about all the colors. But for me it did not really explain how to mix and match the colors; what it meant & how to use color management styles ;applying color & tone effects; how to correct colors etc. No sample examples were given in each of the chapters, which is what I am looking for.
    Corel Draw 10 "Help" explains how to choose or enable various techniques, but does not give examples either! I don't even know if my printer uses spot colors; or what it means to use "Saturation"(for vector graphics), (what is a vector?., etc. See what I mean?
    I do not have a Corel Draw 10 book, & never learnt graphics before. I went to "Chapters" (Mtl.), found a book, but again, too technical.I was told "Camelot" (Mtl.)sells more computer books. What I want is a "GUIDE-BOOK", with step-by-step examples of how to CREATE from SCRATCH, like the computer books I have from College.
    I called "Concordia & Mcgill Univ. book stores", & a few libraries as you prev. suggested. No luck.
    I need a GUIDE BOOK (which teaches from scratch and uses examples from a-z). If you know of any let me know the name of author, book, isbn #, etc.
    p.s. I have Adobe photoshop 5, but can't find a book (too old).I can get vers. 7.0, but, I would still need a guide-book. It seems to me that I am going around in circles. Regards to all.

  18. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    I wouldn`t recomend Photoshop for you. It is very complex and is not very user friendly. Well, ok its not user friendly. THe only advantage of photoshop is there are university and comunity college courses taught on photoshop all the time. This actually might be good for you. You get an instructer, and they do start at level zero and work you up.
    I like Draw and photopaint as they are user friendly, but as not being as popular as photoshop the resources are limited.
    So maybe what you might want to look into are comunity college or University entry courses into digital imaging.
  19. Hazelnut

    Hazelnut Member

    Aug 10, 2003
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    Hi Prisoner: Thanks for advice.
    I'll check for digital imaging courses at College level. I think it's too late for summer applic. Fall courses start in Sept.
    Again, if you find information about the Corel Draw/Paint guide-books, please let me know. Thanks. Regards.

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