Ok, if I bought the R4DS, could I use my PSP 4GB MemStick? or is it something different? Another Question: What is the diff between R4, and the R4 SDHC? thanks in adcvance
1. NO. Nintendo DS flashcarts take SD/miniSD/microSD memory only. 2. The R4 SHDC supports microSD SDHC memory (4GB or larger). The largets that the R4 original can accomodate id 2GB. I suggest you read some of the other thread about why it may not be advisable to buy any R4 product anymore.
Lol... I'm not even sure the PSP 4GB Memstick can fit inside the Nintendo DS card slot... If you do shop for an R4 make sure it's SDHC to support greater than 4GB of storage space (because you'll have a reason to have every game you own on the microSD card).