Couple of Softmod Questions

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by Blade6669, Mar 12, 2006.

  1. Blade6669

    Blade6669 Member

    Mar 12, 2006
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    I have been using a premad softmod/linux installer found on the Action Replay site, and have encountered a couple of problems I could use a hand on. 1st, friends softmodded xbox has taken to saying that it wants to sign on to Xbox live and update, what is going on, and how do I repair this situation? Also, I read an earlier post on the error code 16, which I am currently having problems with, I installed evox, then overwrote that with unleashx and now am getting the Error Code 16 Nooooo!!!! How can I fix this problem?
  2. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    16 - dashboard - Clock cannot be set.

    Basically it comes down to this. Error 16 has to do with not finding the menu setting with which you can set the clock of the hdd. This happens to a lot of people that erase their hdd (original/upgraded) or MS dashboard files and after that they don't immediatly install the hdd but leave the xbox without power longer than 5 hours.

    It's all about the hdd can't find the menu with which it can set the clock. This is mostly because the xbox hdd is empty (you removed dashboard or fux0red it via ftp). The problem arises when xbox searches for menu to set clock with, can't find it and voila: error 16. Well read on please!

    So you have an error 16 huh? Don't worry "nothing" is broken!

    You have an xbox hdd that is locked. And normally you can boot in original and modded mode. Retail or upgraded doesn't matter. You start playing around with xboxdash.xbe etc. using ftp programs. While doing this you "accidently" remove your MS dashboard and also your alternate dashboard (Evox, etc.) so there is no dash anymore on the xbox hdd.

    You end the ftp session and after that you shut off your xbox. Normally when you would start up again it gives you an error 13/14 ( no dashboard found). No worries with a slayer Evox cd (and a hardmod), all is ok. BUT this is only WITHIN 3 hours or so.

    This is because the internal clock of the xbox will only be kept alive by the capacitors for only 3 or 4 hours. So when you leave your xbox unplugged from electricity for over 5 hours after you have played with the .xbe's AND you have removed your (ms and evo-x) dash from your xbox than you are fux0red. Why do you ask?

    Why can't I boot from disc?

    Its as follows Xbox starts booting==> (almost 1st thing a xbox does is) searches for internal clock==> doesnt find internal clock because there hasn't been any electricity on the xbox for 5 hours so battery that kept clock alive is empty and clock is gone==> searches for the proper dashboard menu to set clock with ==> doesnt find msdashboard or evo-x dashboard menu becuz you have removed it from the hdd for whatever reasons you had==> xbox gives error 16: cannot set clock.

    So what do you do about it? Two options!

    1. There are some bios'es around that allow the chip to boot past the clocksetting. (do a search!). So how do you get that bios on your chip because you cant boot to a flash program or something? Well you need to have an external flasher.

    It seems the m8 bios will take care for you of booting past the clocksetting. Or use the latest Xecutor bios

    2. This is the more easy and newbie friendly strategy
    -Get a friend with a modded xbox.
    -Unlock his hdd with eeprom management from a slayer evo-x cd.
    -Than, place his hdd in your xbox.
    -Boot with your chip on.
    -Now the xbox DOES find a dashboard when you boot in original mode and you can set the time in the msdashboard clock settings.
    -Shut off xbox and remove your friends hdd
    -PLace his hdd back in his xbox and lock it again
    -Install your hdd
    -(clock has been set) So boot up with slayer cd.
    -Install normally whatever you wanna install
    -lock hdd

    If you get an error 13 after this, please read up on the error 13 explanation!

  3. Blade6669

    Blade6669 Member

    Mar 12, 2006
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    Right on, thanx Return, but I'm still looking for an answer to the second question, I have never even heard of the Xbox Live updating bit, so if anyone else might know something about that, please help.
  4. shinnster

    shinnster Regular member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    I had this trying to sign into xbox live and update business when I re done my box at the weekend. In my case all it was was in the MS dash, my settings had change to enable auto sign in so when ever I turned my box in thats what it tried to do. Once I turned that off all was ok.

    And i'd listen to what TheReturn says as he was very helpful in getting my box up and running :)
  5. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Thank shinnster.

    I think hotswap is the solution to reinstall ms dash back to hdd. You need to have ms dash on PC and follow this guide.

    According to the guide.

    - You have a long IDE cable. One end connect to motherboard on PC. The other end is free

    - Open your xbox and free the hdd. So you can easily move it. But hdd is still connect xbox

    - Turn on the xbox, when you see ms logo appear under the big X, quickly remove the IDE cable on xbox hdd and connect the one from computer to it. Xbox still power on.

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2006
  6. shinnster

    shinnster Regular member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    You do like a hot swap don't ya dude :)
  7. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest


    For softmod xbox, backup all files on drive C and E to PC. And hotswap method is the best way to fix all problems with xbox. It does not matter what you did to hdd. Or even you delete all files on C and E.

    As your experiences up to now, I think you already know this.

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2006
  8. shinnster

    shinnster Regular member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    i do agree, with my experiences of softmodding and trying to recover things, the easiest way to do it is hotswap, once you work out how to do it of course :)

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