Cover design and printing quality?

Discussion in 'Digital photography' started by mightyatm, Jul 17, 2006.

  1. mightyatm

    mightyatm Member

    Mar 22, 2003
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    I work from home and have just finished the design for my first cd jewel case cover!
    It will be an official release so will be printed.

    I have the front and back cover plus centre-fold - all including text - to prepare for best quality printing..
    now I need to know the following:

    a) What actual size should the artwork be(in millimetres, for example)?
    b) What size in pixels?
    c) How to send the finished artwork to the client overseas.
    d) Any special techniques/tips/tricks which may help me as a novice?

    Many many thanks to anyone who can assist me here!

    - Carol
    (note: I use mainly Corel Photopaint..)
  2. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    I would think if you're sending an image file to clients overseas by computer then it shouldn't matter too much because they can just adjust the file to the template for printing. I'm guessing here. don't know what you mean by sending over seas.... is it the finished copy after printing? then I would be certain to find the size correctly. but if they are using a file like a .jpg then they can snap it into place and make it fit, right?

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