I have Blaze Media Pro and Nero and wish to create chapters to store my 6 short movies on a single DVD disc. the total length of the movies come to around 1h 30minutes or so. i have converted the movies using Blaze Media Pro from WMV to MPG(2) and then to VOB files. but have no idea how to store them on a DVD disc so they play like chapters. anyone know what i am not doing right? thanks
you can use NeroVission Express to make DVD with Chapters and Menus,etc. here is the manual for NeroVission Express.... download and check it out! http://ww2.nero.com/nero6/en/User_Guide_Vision_Express_3.html hit english pdf..... and read about how to import your video files then how to add menu, chapters, etc!
Home movies? what file type are they, never had much luck with nero on home movies ( avi files ) I always used Pinnacle 10.5
I have nero express3 and have created the mpg(1) file but can not see this option to create the dvd where you put these chapters in. i have downloed the help files but the screen shots do not look like what i am looking at when i use nerovision express 3. in the starting a video project i only have the bottom four to choose from! i have no idea what is wrong please help