Creating a Slide show one at a time?

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by BML, Feb 1, 2006.

  1. BML

    BML Guest

    I have just loaded Nero 6 and would like to create a slide show that I can view through my DVD player on a TV. I can work out how to load one slide ata time but is it possible to select several at a time to move onto the work surface.
    Is there a good book on using Nero 6?
  2. boutcrazy

    boutcrazy Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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    Hey BML...
    I'm new here also, and just finished a project like that, and had the same question. I was advised to burn them all, one at a time, to the hard drive first, then dump them (there were a total of 4 slideshows) to Nero, then burn to DVD. Worked for me. Good luck!
  3. FiremanDB

    FiremanDB Regular member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    When you go to the folder containing the pictures you want to select, highlight the first picture you want, hold down the 'shift' key, and highlight the last picture. This should highlight every picture between the first and last picture you highlighted as well. Then open the selected pictures into NeroVision. Use the same technique to get the pictures from the Snapshots folder in NeroVision to the project.

    If you want to select multiple pictures that are not all in a row, hold down the 'control' key while selecting the desired pictures.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2006
  4. BML

    BML Guest

    Well, it seemed to be going well and then I found that whatever I did I could copy the file to a DVD through Nero so I am waiting for them to come back to me now.

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