Hi, Got a slight problem with a DVD I created yonks ago. Im trying to back up all my old discs but one on them keeps moaning about a CRC error when i try to copy a particular MPEG. So what im thinking is that i can just create a new ISO of the disc and then work from that. Problem is i dont even have a clue where to start. Could someone point me in the right direction please?
first off try cleaning the disk. u can also try dvd decrypter Mode/ISO/Read what did u rip with when u get the CRC error?
Try using DVD Decrypter but it just bombs out around the 23% mark. Are there any good (and fast) programs i can use to recover files (its an MPEG) from a DVD-R?
Sounds like you may have some corrupt data on the original disc. What is the media code of the original? Cmc mag good luck.
Media code? Not sure what you mean by this. There may be some corrupt data on the disc but the MPEG plays fine, it just wont copy from the disc to my HD. There has got to be some way of rescueing this file. If it can play then surely it can be copied.
This free proggy http://dvd.identifier.cdfreaks.com/ will tell you the media code. Give us the manufacturer name and ID.
@ rflook does it play on your computer? If so with what media player? With windows media player and itunes, you can burn it to your hd
Mort is trying to tell you that your disk is the problem. if you are using low quality media, like Memorex, it may play fine on a player that can read it, but the disk can't be copied by the computer because it can't read that one file correctly. CRC errors accure because it can't read the disk sooo it's either dirty, scratched or low quaility media, just like Mort suggested. here is a media guide to give you some idea what's good media and what's not: http://www.digitalfaq.com/media/dvdmedia.htm read that and understand that the disks [bold] Made in Japan[/bold] are the best ones. Verbatim, which are made in Singapore/Taiwan are also top notch media and the only exception to the MIJ rule. Taiyo Yuden, Verbatim, Maxell, Sony are just some of the top media around and will stop those CRC errors that you are getting from your media that you recorded [bold]yonks ago[/bold]. It's because of inferior media that it can't rip again. with better media and stored properly, a DVD should last years and years of playing and re copying!
Ok the disc is a Verbatim, it was on the inner rim of the disc - doh! The disc and all files play (on both WM Player and VideoLAN player) without a hitch on both computers in my house (even the file which will not copy). Have cleaned the disc twice and its clean, it does have a few surface scratches on it, but nothing which should cause it any problems.
If it is verbatim dvd identifier should have said manufacturer was mitsubishi chemical corp. or other company as verbatim does not make their own media. There was a time when they were being made by cmc mag (junk) but not rescently. A rescent verbatim 8x dvd+r will code out as mitsubishi chemical corp. (MCC003).
Hmm, slightly buggered regarding DVD Identifier, the PC im using at the moment does not have a DVD Writer on it, which means the software wont work :-(
well then..... DVDIdentifier did it's job by showing you your PC was without burner! There is a cheap remedy.... buy an internal or external burner.... I just bought this one: http://www.meritline.com/combo-benq-dw1655-and-galaxy-5-25-enclosure.html it's great and does lightscribing too! but you can get the internal one for even cheaper money! shop around!