Hi, I've been trying to burn copies of DVD films onto blank DVDs using Inter Video DVD Copy 2. I've tried burning the disks directly from the originals as well as ripping the data to a DVD file on my PC first and then putting that onto the blank disk. Each time I get a DVD that works perfectly on my PC but that my DVD player will not recognise at all. My player is multi region and I've never had any problems playing backed up DVDs that other people have burnt on it. Is this somekind of known bug or am I being really stupid here? My DVD player is a Yamada slim 5520 and the DVDs I've been using are Mr. DVD DVD-R 4.7 GB
I'm not too familiar with Inter Video DVD Copy 2, but seems like it's only used to copy "home-made" videos. The DVD's that you buy at the stores (commercial) are encrypted and needs a ripper to rip the movie into files. There are many programs that claims to be the best in ripping commercial DVDs. Try these freeware: DVD Decrypter - Rips movie and burn files Dvd Fab Decrypter - Rips movie DVD Shrink - Compress movies that are about 9 gigs into 4.3 gigs You can also use nero to burn the files to your dvdr
Okay, I have Nero installed on my PC so I'll give that a try. It seems really lame that I've got all this 100% legit software called "DVD this" and "DVD that" that I've paid out for and all I need to use is Nero. Ah well, I'll see if that works. Thanks for your help.
I think you are reading my post incorrectly. You can't just use nero to burn a commercial dvd. You still need a ripper. You can use Nero to burn the ripped movie on your harddrive and burn it to a dvdr.