I have created a VCD from JPEG files ... Around 218 files. I can watch it on my VCD player and its working fine. (So i can watch it on my TV). But I can't play it on my computer, both on my pcs & my macs. Even my cousin's VCD player also cant play the same VCD. Any one have any ideas? I am using Nero 5.0 on BENQ 32X10X40 CDRW. bzbodi
I cant answer your question .But maybe you can help me . I tried the same thing with nero and it works okay . My question is is there a way to make it play by itself like a slide show ? Is there a way to index the vcd ? if you can help id appreciate it
bzbodi what are you trying to play it with and how? to: maxwell3 make your pics into a movie with windows movie maker or something like Adobe premier .......
I have had some success with making a slideshow vcd movie maker may be an easier way than the way i did it but ive never used it so i dont know but this is how i did it 1. save the pictures as bitmaps (i used photoshop 4 this) 2. encode the bmp's to vcd mpeg 1 format (tmpgenc does it) 3. next i used vcd easy to put them all together but set the the pics to play infinately so they stayed on screen till the next button was pressed (in the interactivity tab) the only problem was i couldnt get any more than 99 pics on the cd!! hope this is of help to you