Creating VCD's of foreign films with subtitles?

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by herbwest, Oct 18, 2002.

  1. herbwest

    herbwest Guest

    I'm new at this. Is there a way to create VCD's with the subtitles from a foreign dvd? Example: I've ripped a dvd of a japanese horror film. I've got all the necessary files on the hard drive. I have created a successful vcd of the film, but without subtitles. Can anything be done?

  2. herbwest

    herbwest Guest

    To clarify - How do you create a VCD of a foreign film with the subtitles when the subtitles aren't burned onto the film, but rather, only available when selected in the DVD's menu?

    Thanks again
  3. loaded

    loaded Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 2, 2002
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    It does not really matter where the CD is from, you can permanently burn subtitles of any language onto a VCD (ie they will not be selectable, they will always be there). The subtitle files were ripped when you used SmartRipper or DVDecrypter (unless you fiddles with the streams). There is a great article here:

    Which will tell you how to do it, just make sure you pick the right language. The software mentioned in the guide can be donwloaded at this site.

    Always a good idea to check articles and threads before asking these questions. They have often been asked before.


    PS : Of course, the subtitle language must actually exist on the DVD for this to work. ie, if you only have 'English for hard of hearing' you obviosuly can't do Czech, Dutch etc!

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