Hey, whenever i use itunes and try to crossfade my tracks by 12 seconds into eachother, the itunes does it(so i think), and when i try to use my ipod, it doesnt seem to be changed at alll.any advice?
oo fuh real? cus when i right click my ipod on teh itunes side bar, it says ipod options. and when i click there, tehres a tab at the top called playback or soemthing, and within there theres crossfade, sound enhancer, and sound check for the ipod...
Yes, but the crossfading option isn't under the 'iPod' tab, it is under the 'Playback' and hence not related to the iPod's config.
No worries. I hope Apple develop an iPod with crossfade playback support, as it is something that a lot of iPod owners (including myself) would like to see implemented..
I didn't know that you couldn't use a crossfading feature with the iPod. I am not really interested in using it, but I just assumed that you could do this. You could do this, however, by creating your own mixes in a DJ program and importing it onto the iPod, only that's not a real sufficient way to do this.
But do you really want to listen to music in one long track? That would be the only way to eliminate the annoying slight pause inbetween tracks. And I doubt anyone wants to scroll through an hour worth of music just to find the song you want :\