I'm generally very pleased with this program as it is one of the few that i find consistenly synchs the audio with the video. My problem is when I convert an AVI to DVD format it creates chapters every 15 or so minutes and when it changes chapters it stops momentarily (similar to a layer change on any regular store bought DVD). I've gone through all the settings and it seems like there is no option that lets you remove the chapters. And its only one AVI file so I dont think it matters if I have it set to batch or merge (I could be wrong though). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I don't know how to stop Cucusoft creating chapter points, but there is a progam that can remove chapter points from DVD files. It's called,Chapter Edit: http://www.goonix.biz/download/tools/Chapter_Edit_110.rar 1 read in files from folder 2 click 'UP' or 'DoWn' to view chapter points. 3 click 'Clear chapters' to clear all chapter points. 4 click 'Create DVD Image' to re-save files to new folder. Note, menus will not be saved.