Recently tried Streambox VCR to record streaming audio from a web site. Said web site uses current versions of RealAudio and MS Windows Media 9. No dice. Using copy Shortcut command yields something called an "smil" file but no actual audio file. So, the question arises: what tools are available (if any) that will record the current versions of either of the above mentioned stream types? I'm sure there are roundabout ways of doing it, like redigitizing analog output, but are there any relatively easy ways of doing it?
It would have helped if you would have posted the site that you were interested in. The Technics and software used in dealing with smil redirectors depend if they are http or rtsp protocol. For the best information on streaming media recording. The Streaming Media Recording Forum. Frequently Asked Questions.
This site just uses standard http protocol redirectors. Just copy the Real Player Shortcut which is a type smil redirector or copy the Windows Media Player Shortcut which is a type asx redirector. Paste either Shortcut URL to the Internet Explorer address bar. Type view-source: in front of that URL and press enter. A Notepad pop-up window will open showing the source code for that smil or asx redirector. Example September 25, 2003 rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp:// mms:// mms:// mms:// mms:// Both the Real and Windows Media streams can be recorded with StreamBox VCR v1.0 beta 3.1 SMF+turbo which is included in StreamBox VCR Suite 2.0. To record the mms streams you will have to change the protocol from Auto to MMS(HTTP)