I’m trying to archive my Naruto series collection on DVD discs and off my hard drive. The episodes are in AVI format. I used DVD Architect 2.0 to create a DVD of 4 episodes. The DVD is always successfully completed but the edges of the video always gets cut off when I play it in my PS2. It works fine in my computer, so I'm not sure why not in my home theater. Does anyone here know an easy way of adding a boarder to the video allowing me to view the subtitles? Thanks in advance.
The problem is your TV's overscan. You can use AVISynth to pad and FitCD to help you with the script (if you need help).
http://www.avisynth.org/ resize it smaller than addborders. try avisource("E:\where\name.avi") bicubicresize(656,448,-0.2,0.6) addborders(24,16,24,16) make sure you tag it 4:3