Besides cleaning it off and checking for scratches is there anyting that an be done to get past cycle redundacy errors?
u can set dvddecrypter to ignor read errors or try dvdfabdecryter or anydvds ripper. theres a good chance the movie will have skips in it though.
Crc errors not only come from damaged/dirty discs,some are encryption related.I've encountered many of those newer sony arccos encryptions that gave dvd shrink that crc error.I've also encountered it while trying to re-rip some of my backups that were burned too slow,which resulted in too many errors. Is that disc an original dvd? If so,what's the name of it? If not,please explain. Dvd decrypter will need a couple settings changed: CSS- Tick Brute Force. I/O- Ignore all read errors.
it was an original disk, it was the Mexican. I have anydvd running in the background and tried to use dvd fab decrypter but it stalled. I also got the same error trying to burn black knight that was an original disk too.
OK,that rules out if they may be encryption related or too many errors on backup discs. There's a slim chance that dvd decrypter may get through them after changing those settings I posted earlier.Not guaranteed,but a slim chance.