If you have had this problem, what did you do to correct it. It is an intermittent problem for me. Thanks for any help!!
Possible causes for CRC error: The DVD you are trying to backup may be dirty, physically damaged (scratches) or badly authored. These are the most common reason that you get this error code - the DVD can't be read by your DVD reader/burner. [bold]Note: If the disk is physically damaged insome way or you've got a bad press, you'll need to exchange it for another (if possible) and retry the backup process with the new disk.[/bold] The other possible cause for this error code is: The DVD you are trying to backup is protected by the ARccOS copy protection system. DVD Shrink or decrypter can't handle this protection by themselves, so a little help is needed to get it done. [bold]If you want to get it done the FREE way, follow along:[/bold] Download and install DVDFab decrypter (if you don't already have it, make sure it's the latest version), use DVDFab to rip the video files to your HDD. Get it here; Here's a guide on use if needed; http://www.dvdshrink.info/dvdfab_decrypter.php Once DVDFab decrypter is done, you'll have a VIDEO_TS folder on your hard drive containing the files it ripped. These files will need to be processed thru vobblanker to remove fake cells and correct file structure so shrink can open the files and process them correctly. Get vobblanker here; http://members.aol.com/posunplugged/jsoto/VobBlanker_2100_exe.zip Unzip the file and run the executable, it will look a bit like this: [bold]For input folder selection:[/bold] browse to where the VIDEO_TS folder created by DVDFab decrypter is located, inside the folder, look for the VIDEO_TS.IFO file and choose it. The path might look something like this: c:\Movie folder\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.IFO [bold]Note: When importing the VIDEO_TS.IFO file, if you notice that vobblanker has marked a video title set (VTS) in the top half as skipped, click on the Proc.All button on the right to ensure all video title sets are processed.[/bold] [bold]For output folder selection:[/bold] create a new folder on your desktop and call it "MOVIE", inside that folder create a new folder and call it "VIDEO_TS "(this is where you'll have vobblanker put the output files it will create) Once the folders have been created, have the output folder selection point to the VIDEO_TS folder in the MOVIE folder. The path for output folder might look something like this: c:\documents and settings\johnl123\desktop\MOVIE\VIDEO_TS Now just press the PROCESS button on the bottom and wait until it's done. Once the process is complete, there should be a new set of video files that vobblanker created in the VIDEO_TS folder that's in the MOVIE folder on your desktop. At this point run DVDshrink and open the files, click on the "open files" tab and browse to where the VIDEO_TS folder is that's in the MOVIE folder on your desktop and choose it. Shrink will import the files now correctly with no errors, at this point you can use shrink as you normally would to create a backup. Have shrink reauthor the DVD to backup just the main movie and 5.1 eng audio channel, have shrink create an ISO image and burn it to disk using DVD decrypter. Here's a giude on using shrink with DVD decrypter; http://home.comcast.net/~bbmayo/backup with Decrypter&Shrink.pdf Here's a guide on how to reauthor a DVD using shrink; http://www.jlathamsite.com/dvd/DVDShrink3.htm If you want to get it done the easy way and are willing to spend a little dough, there's always anydvd. Check it out here; http://www.slysoft.com/en/anydvd.html
If you're trying to backup DVDs, it may be due to copy protection on the disk. Try using DVDFab Decrypter to rip the video files to the HDD. Then use DVD Shrink for processing. Links to programs in my signature below. A link to a guide follows: http://home.comcast.net/~bbmayo/backup with DVDFABDecrypter,Shrink,&Decrypter.pdf
Sorry I should have given more info. I'm not backing up and it is movies that has been made from a video camera. The disk are new with no scratches. I think my plexter made a bad copy and when I try to copy that disc is when the error happens. However, the disc that gives the error will play with no problems what so ever. I just cant copy it. I have had this happen in the last 4 weeks on about 6 disc. they play fine but I can copy them. I have a part time business and plan to put in a new plextor tomorrow. ( cant drag and drop to the hard drive. Error always happens at 98% complete. Thanks
there are two things that might have happened, one is your disk.... what's the media you are using. Starting out with good media stops errors before they happen, like this one! two..... you say it gets CRC errors at 98% .... that's near the end of the disk.... which means it can't read near the outer edge of the disk! When burning set your program to burn no more than 4300kb. This should stop the CRC errors at 98%! Also consider your burning speed..... usually it's half of the rated speed of your media..... if you have a 16x disk don't go more than 8x in the burn! Most people burn at 4X some higher and you can test out your disk with Nero Speed Burn test in the ToolKit! Good luck.... hope this helps.