D-Link DI-524 password and xbox live help?

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by gnarkills, Feb 21, 2009.

  1. gnarkills

    gnarkills Regular member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    I have a D-Link DI 524 router. I would like to know how I go about putting a password on it so I can only use it for my laptop and xbox 360. Alos, how do I set it up to be able to connect my xbox 360 to live? I have a wireless adapter on my 360, but can't connect. I used to be able to connect from this router, but I lost my connection for some reason.
  2. vballstud

    vballstud Guest

    I'm guessing that this "password" you're referring to is a WEP encryption key. You can set that in your HOME tab's WIRELESS settings.

    What I did to protect my network was to go to the DHCP settings on the HOME tab and manually assign IP addresses for the MAC addresses of the network cards for all computers on my network. ( 1-2 desktops, 1 laptop, 1 xbox 360, 1 xbox, 1 xbox modded ) I then went to the ADVANCED TAB... Filters settings and used MAC FILTERS... ONLY ALLOW COMPUTERS WITH MAC ADDRESSES LISTED BELOW TO ACCESS THE NETWORK... then manually put in all those MAC addresses below.
  3. gnarkills

    gnarkills Regular member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Ok, so how do I find out the mac address for the xbox 360? I had it set up before for wpa before, but I forgot how to do that.
  4. Shamb1es

    Shamb1es Regular member

    Sep 21, 2008
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    He's talking about a different method of securing your home network. Although MAC filtering is useful when you have machines that don't seem to want to cooperate with your routers security settings it is less secure than a password as MAC addresses can easily be cloned.

    I think what grankills is getting at is how to access the settings of his router. Generally most routers are accessed by opening your browser and entering the IP of the router (Typically If the router still has its default settings the username is probably 'Admin' or 'Administrator' and the password blank. If you can't figure it out a simple google search will show you.

    Once you're in the router settings simple go to the wireless tab and find the security settings. I have that exact router myself sitting in storage and can pull it out if you find a lot of trouble with it.
  5. gnarkills

    gnarkills Regular member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    I know how to get into my settings and all that. i just want to be able to play xbox live through the wireless adapter.

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