daemon tools

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by mariusz03, Nov 2, 2005.

  1. mariusz03

    mariusz03 Guest

    I am using daemon tools to open civilization 4 and it worked but then daen=mon broke down and I had to reinstal it and now when I try to open the game it says cannot locate the dvd rom
    Please insert the correct dvd-rom select okay end redtart application. What's wrong and what should I do, is there any other program that can rplace dameon?
  2. DVDBack23

    DVDBack23 Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 19, 2005
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    Alcohol 120 has its own virtual devices like Daemon does.
  3. freshguy

    freshguy Member

    May 19, 2005
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    Hi mariusz03, I installed Daemon a couple of weeks ago to test it out. It may have warned me (I don't think that it did), but in any event, Daemon changed the directories of all of my drives except for my internal hard drive. I noticed this immediately when Winamp could not locate my music files folder. I store those files on my external hard drive, which Daemon had changed from my "H:Music\" dir to now be my "I:Music\" dir. In my case I found that it was easier to just let it remain as "I:Music\" and just tell Winamp and the apps that used these files the new path name. In your case, assuming that you have the same problem, if you have a lot of different files or folders going to multiple programs, you may just want to change your directory back to what it was designated as before you installed Daemon. Once again, that is going under the assumption that you have the same problem as I did. Needless to say, I got rid of Daemon without as much as a short trip to my recycle bin.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2005
  4. freshguy

    freshguy Member

    May 19, 2005
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    I'm sorry mariusz03, I really should have picked-up on the fact that it is your DVD-ROM drive, but that is still the same problem. In your case, it may be a matter of telling the game the new path name. For example, tell it to look in "H:" dir instead of "G:" dir.
    If you wanted, instead of this you probably could just change your DVD drive back to the directory it was defined as before you installed Daemon.

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