I picked up a ILO DVD recorder (DVDR04)for my living room.I got it from this pawn shop across the street from my house..And I got it 5 weeks ago...and now it don't wanna read *ANY* of my dvd blanks (dvd-r dvd+r dvd-rw)..Now it was working BEFORE...and now it don't wanna. It will read regular DVDs..but not my blanks. What can I do?? I looked inside the system...and its a LITE-ON DVD DRIVE...and it looks like the same way as u put in a DVD Drive on a PC.. Is this possible?? Can I switch out the burner?? I went to the pawn shop & the owner is being a real JERK!! He don't wanna pay me for what I payed for it....and don't wanna give me another burner to replace the one he sold me.. this is BS man!! So I wanna *TRY* to remedy the situation myself...I really want the burner so I can record shows from TV for my kids & myself.. Can I get some assistance from some one...PLEEAASSEE. Thanx
Well ... I hope that we've learned something here .. Pawn Shops are a dumping ground for semi-defective products (kinda loke Ebay) Now, let's address the issue. You are correct .. LiteOn made this unit for the WalMart company .. I hope you didn't pay much for it since WalMart sold it for $98 new and for $60 or so for an open box unit. Have you tried running a lens cleaning CD in it yet? Sometimes this will help. Here is an ilo forum .. maybe you can find some help there .. http://www.techolio.com/forums/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=7 Good Luck