I have evox v 2.6 installed and my box has been working fine for over a year. Then one day I turned my box on and the dash read.... MS Dashboard Reboot Power Off Settings Backup Do I need to reformat my hard drive? I can still access files with Flash FXP! Please help
No, I have x-bit 1.0 with 120 gb hard drive and none of my games can be accessed fromt the dash now. The dash used to say Play Games on HDD Emmulaters DVD to X-box, etc, now my dash is completely changed,
sounds like it will need formatting bigger hdd's can be known for hagvin issues did u check to see if ur chip could handle it b4 hand? if u do format it make sure u FTP everything over to ur pc hdd or at least burn it to a dvd
Where do I get Aid 2.11 and what folder should I put it in while using Flash FXP. Thank you guys for the help!
http://www.xbox-scene.com/articles/xbins.php thats were u find AID and as for dahsboards there are individule dash folders in AID i would assume it in one of the C direectoies
OK I have an error code 13 (thirteen). I know someone out there has fixed this without paying for anything. I need help. I will love you long time if you help. Please. I screwed up when i softmodded
13 - kernel - Dashboard launch fail (due to missing/bad key, or anything else that would prevent it from running) and the dashboard didn't specify why it failed. U screwed up ur current dahsboard and thats whats wrong so i would get a cheap modchip (duox 2 $15) and do it the real way.
yeah go with a modchip itll avoid alot of hassle im not a big fan of softmodding iv seen to many knackered xboxes