So as of right now you are trying to FTP to your xbox using which FTP program? Also you stated you are trying to softmod, does this mean you are still working with the basic xbox and the original green Microsoft splash dashboard?
You will not be able to ftp into the box until it is modded and you have a new dashboard. Here is the guide to follow to softmod then let us know what else you need
thanx that helpd so i softmoded it using mechassault to acess linux but wat about burning games to the hdd
I don't know about burning the games to the stock hdd as it is only 8 or 10 gigs. The softmod is a good way to go, for certain "quick and cheap" features and even some fixes, but if you are looking to start putting games on your hdd you may want to look towards a mod chip. That is just my thought on your situation however and I am not trying to talk you into going that route.