I softmodded my xbox a couple weeks ago and had unleashedx and evox on there and everything was working fine, FTP, the whole nine yards. However, today I was messing around on the menus on unleashedx and pressed reformat on the F drive, which I now know I shouldn't have because that cause unleashedx to stop working. After that I was working with evox and was trying to get unleashedx back and for some stupid idea I deleted the evox.ini and the evoxdash.xbe file. Now my xbox only starts up with the logo screen and I can't FTP to it anymore. It will still play burned games and movies, but it never goes to a menu screen. What programs do I need and where do I get them?
Try and go to the ltools menue the go to ude uninstall and that should get you back to the xbox dashboard and not the evox or unlx
I cant access any menus at all. The only thing it will do is boot up with the xbox logo with M$ underneath. Thats as far as it goes.
sounds like your made a bad mistake.id recommend reformatting the whole hard drive.if you cant ftp i dont know how your gonna do that.if you still have the original msdashboard you should be able to undo the softmod then softmod it again.
hmm. I never heard anything like that happen before.Have you tryed to load up the game u used to softmod then try to go to ur linux file?Other than that i don't know another way to help you bro.I hope this works for you.
yo hears how to fix it u need a dash runing to ftp RIGHT? well u said its boots burned games RIGHT? (see where im going with this?) well burn a dash (Go with UnleashX ftp speed uploading at 7to10 mb a sec) to a cd-r/dvdr. To do this u need the unleashx.xbe named default.xbe and use Qwix < get it at xbox-scene.com to make an iso to burn the iso u can use DVDdecrypter or any other burning soft any extra questions 3-MA1L M3 @ jackrabithacker[.a.t.]lycos.com note replace the [.a.t.] with @ used it to throw off spam bots please no one be gay and sign me up for stuff like porn and viagra or ANYTHING ELSE!
if u used itools, then if you boot your xbox with the disc tray open, it should boot to the Itools setup, then do a C Restore, then reinstall the soft mod, that should work, hope that helps..
#xbins or you follow the link below and download the autoinstaller. It has everything. http://www.xbox-scene.com/xbox1data/sep/EEFlluEFylIIJaJNOf.php