I acquired this machine about a year ago. Went on Daylight saving automatically in the spring, but this fall, on return to Standard time, the time on the readout shows correctly, but the recording is still on DST. In other words, if I want to record a programme at 8 p.m., I have to set the timer for 7 p.m. The manual P. 21 says: "If you set DST to "ON" when manually setting the clock, the timer recording may not work when summer switches to winter and vice versa. So I want to change that setting, but on set-up I cannot get into "Manual". Is there a fix for this?
Follow the directions in your Users manual and turn off DST. I have an image of that manual for that Model# it is pretty much self explanatory.
Thanks for your prompt response. As I said in my posting, I cannot get into the manual clock setting. It just toggles back and forth, but does not open the page you show. However, I tried one more time, and this time I turned of the power on the DVD, pulled the plug, plug it in again, and now it seems to work properly! Thanks for responding. Val