help anybody i have a sagem dbox but dont no how to put new codes in i have codes but dont no how to incert them help please
1 - press the blue button on your DBOX - and go to option 2 Tuxbox commander. 2- then scroll down to the option that says "var" and press ok 3- scroll down to "keys" and press ok 4- scroll down to "keylist.txt and press 4 (to edit) 5- If your like me and are in the Pure NTL area your codes will start like N 5401 00 etc etc, press ok on the 1st key which starts with N 5401 00 6 - Type in this key after 00 - 46896D870724422F 7- press ok to exit then go to the key which starte "N 5401 01" 8 - type in this key after 01 - 9128EFB57B371FED 9 - Press ok to exit then press the button under your power button (under the orange button) and save changes when asked. good luck
hi i was hopin you could tell me how u got a hold of the new codes? Ive los all channels too please help
hi tried to follow those instructions but the dbox is still not showing all channels, all the channels are listed but when you try to view some channels the screen is just black......any other ideas what i could do?